High Availability & Disaster Recovery
Business Continuity & Contingency Planning
Enhanced Regulatory controls require industry participants to have suitable Business Contingency Plans commensurate with the services profile of each organisation.
To meet this challenge FCM360 has enhanced our services to offer cost effective contingency solutions.
Therefore, in addition to our current data centre failover services, we can meet your BCP requirements whether you require:
A} Tier 1 – Business as usual {BAU}
Full Disaster Recovery site service with daily back up and data storage
B} Tier 2 – Business Protection Service {BPS}
Continuous but limited access to data centre servers for instance from a “home” location
C} Tier 3 – Balance Sheet Protection {BSP}
Short term access to data centre servers in order to close positions and
protect assets from market exposure.
If you need to invoke your BCP FCM360 will be there to support your recovery.
FCM360 can offer these services at a fraction of the cost of a self-funding solution.
We look forward to discussing your requirements.