FCM360’s Easy Trader 360 product is a managed Proximity Hosting solution that allows traders to run any black box, algo or exchange approved OMS/ISV software such as Patsystem, Trading Technologies, Tickit System, Orc or Trayport Trading Gateway within proximity to exchanges and liquidity pools in the U.S. and Europe.
Proximity Hosting: United States (US) Markets
New York – Nearly all financial points of interest are located in Northern New Jersey. The major points of interest are: NYSE Euronext, NASDAQ, BATS, Currenex FX, HotSpot FX, Integral FX, FX All, ICAP EBS and Thomson Reuters data services such as News Feed Direct machine readable event driven news feeds.
Chicago – Although there are many different naming conventions for commodities and financial futures, The Chicago Mercantile Exchange is still the largest listed derivatives exchange in the world and dominates the U.S. listed futures markets. The Intercontinental Exchange or THE ICE dominated OTC commodities markets.
Proximity Hosting: London (UK) Markets
Slough – Chi-X, ICAP EBS FX among others…
City of London – The City of London houses many financial points of interest in the UK markets: NASDAQ OMX Europe, London Stock Exchange, NYSE Euronext Europe, BATS Europe, LIFFE, London Metals Exchange, Turquoise and more…
Docklands London – Thomson Reuters Dealing 3000 and News Feed Direct products in addition to other major Thomson Reuters news products.
Proximity Hosting: Brazil Markets
Sao Paulo – The primary point of interest in Brazil is the Brazilian Mercantile Exchange or BM&F Bovespa located in the city of Sao Paulo.
Proximity Hosting: Germany Markets
Frankfurt – Eurex Exchange, Deutsche Bourse among others…
How does FCM360 define proximity hosting? FCM360 has the capability to collocate or install servers within a certain distance or latency to a desired end point such as execution venue, broker platform, exchange matching engine, news feed or market data feed. In the case of broker platform, our servers can be installed in a few key areas around the world working with low-latency point to point leased fiber lines that provides the best latency available.
There are several Easy Trader 360 connectivity packages available. All provide low-latency proximity hosting solutions to connect with multiple exchanges.
- FCM360 Connect – This service allows traders to access nearly 50 exchanges using one connection at our managed hosting facilities located in Savvis, Equinix or Interxion. This connection is substantially less expensive than getting a one-to-one connection to the exchanges.
- FCM360 Connect On Campus – This adds on-campus trading to the exchanges and is the absolute lowest latency for response time to brokers, dark pools, matching engines, news or market data feeds.
- Tier 1 IP – Internet-based connectivity for those who want to trade using the fastest Tier-1 IP connections. You have the choice of using the Easy Trader 360turn-key managed dedicated server solution or using your own servers.
Some other ISV/OMS software providers that our clients use:
Actant, Aegisoft, Argo SE, Inc., B2BITS EPAM Systems, Broadway Technology, Comunytek Consultores, CQG, Cunningham Trading Systems, LLC, EasyScreen Ltd, FFastFill Inc., Fidessa plc, Holleb Consulting Inc., ION Trading, N2N Connect Berhad, Object Trading, Onix Solutions Limited, OptionsCity Software Inc., Orc Software, Patsystems, Prime Analytics, Progress Software, Rithmic, RMMSoft, RTS Realtime Systems Group, Software Options, Stellar Trading Systems, SunGard, Thinkorswim, TickIt Trading System, Townsend Analytics, Ltd., TradeCapture OTC, Trading Technologies, TradingScreen and Waverules, LLC to name a few.